Christmas Picture Pairings

‘Tis the season for merriment, decking them halls, and Christmas movies! Did you know that wine pairs really well with Christmas classics? It’s true! The picture below shows suggested pairings followed by quick explanations. Follow this guide and you will have the “hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny Kaye!”

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  1. Syrup and sugar are food groups for Santa’s elves. Nightshade is basically dessert and it has the perfect “kick” to kick off your pairing season!

  2. Concord is as close as you can get to grape candy or grape jelly wine. Jelly of the month club, anyone?

  3. Channel your inner Cameron Diaz, crank up some Killers tunes, and drink dry red wine with her during this roller coaster of emotions flick.

  4. “Blanc” means white and Vidal is a classy and elegant wine, just like tap dancing crooners in Vermont with all that snow in White Christmas.

  5. Polar Express is all about hot chocolate- not only does Norton showcase delightful cocoa notes, but if you have it with dark chocolate you will feel like you are on the train… If you just believe.

  6. The Grinch demonstrated saint-like qualities when his heart grew three sizes and he saved Christmas. Feel your heart grow with St Vincent, which also pairs wonderfully with turkey and cranberry sauce (and roast beast, who-pudding, and who-hash).

  7. “Every time a bell rings”… If you can make it through this one without crying then you are stronger than me. Storybook Red is the wine for this movie as the label pays homage to our story and “It’s a Wonderful Life” is the best story on this list, in my opinion.

  8. Gaze upon your own Christmas tree and tell yourself it’s not such a bad little tree and grab a blanket as you are reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.

  9. (1947 original black and white version, ie the best version) Susan gets a new family and house as she is rewarded for her “against all odds” belief in Santa Clause. Enjoy this one with your own house- “Lakehouse”

  10. Chambourcin is awesome with pizza. Kevin loves pizza. Bonus points if you give the delivery person to the count of ten to get their ugly, yella, no good keister off your property.

  11. Mix up your favorite Santagria recipe for this one. Of course, have it with “A caesar. No dressing. And one of those homemade cookies, the warm chocolate chip. No nuts. And a little slice of cheesecake”

  12. Blossom is a sweet white wine that pairs very well with classic movies with memorable lines, and spicy, heavy flavored foods, in case you end up with Chinese food on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Brothers Dale