Thanksgiving Wine

The turkey is basted, the table is set.

What about wine? Please, don’t fret.

Pairing wine with food does not have to be as complicated as many people make it, this includes the “experts”. In fact, the over-complicating of the marriage of wine and food as almost done more damage than good to the simple pleasure of enjoying the two together.

As always, the Dale Hollow motto is “wine is personal”. If you like to pair Storybook Red with cereal and LakeHouse with steak, more power to you! In general, lighter foods such as salad, chicken, and fish are best with white wine, while red meats, flavorful cheeses, and other heavy foods are better with red wine. Sticking to that simple guide will cover you for 95% of get-togethers.

From our experience, if you are with friends and family enjoying wine, the fellowship and laughter is enjoyable enough that no one is going to “grade” you on the wines you chose with whatever you are feeding them. If they do, you need new friends! Wine does not have to be complicated.

Of course, there are varying levels of “light” and “heavy” in both white and red wines, which is where things get “complicated” and people can get tripped up, especially at Thanksgiving. This meal is traditionally a smorgasbord of different foods and flavors. Do not fear, a super simple Dale Hollow wine guide is here!

Turkey, taters, and stuffing benefit from a bright red semi-sweet hint, try Storybook or St Vincent

Salad is light and better with a dressing douse, have it with LakeHouse

Dessert is for pie and don’t be a slouch, have it with Nightshade then nap on the couch.

Some prefer only dry red wine, Norton or Knockout would both be fine.

If fish is the meat, that’s not a Thanksgiving meal.. run away with your feet.

Easy as pie! It all boils down to this: have a couple options available if you have a big crowd so that there’s something for everyone. Don’t fret over the wine. The most important thing is the company, enjoying fellowship with friends and family. Wine is the cherry on top. As a wise man once said, “the best wines are those shared with friends”.


Oh, look, a handy button for you to buy wine for Thanksgiving now!

Brothers Dale